Friday, January 23, 2009

Well, here first post on my new blog!
Well, I started this as a fun way to journal and date my artwork and it's progression. I have been a custom framer for nearly 30 years and have decided to combine my love of all things old and primitive with my love of custom framing.
Each piece is created on a hand made box frame with colonial inspired decoration.
I decided to name this blog after my sweet granny,
Laura Belle Henderson Campbell. One of the most creative people I have ever known. She was a quilter, painter, and an incredible journalist just to name a few. She had a great appreciation for all things old;
she kept every letter and card she had ever received.
I always knew she was a special person but, only after she died did I actually realize all of these truly wonderful things about her.


  1. Well, Sister, you couldn't have chosen a more appropriate name for a blog. You remind me so much of my mother in manner, intensity, expression, and general demeanor. I wish you a very happy, healthy and prosperours life.


  2. You inspire me, girlfriend. I'm so thankful He has placed you in my circle. I always look so forward to getting back to my creative side after spending time with you. Looking forward to watching you grow through your blog and continue to be awestruck with each new artistic endavor you share. Have fun with it! I know I will.


  3. Beautiful things made by a beautiful person. I would be in awe of your talent even if we were not related Julie. Wonderful stuff!

  4. I LOVE the new blog and had no idea you've been working on so many paintings! You're incredibly creative and now computer savvy too! How unfair! I've received many compliments on my painting and have forwarded you're new blog to all the girlfriends. I'm proud of you!!!

  5. Hey Julie,
    I love your blog. You are very talented. I can barely draw a circle let alone paint. Can't wait to see more.
    Love ya

    P.S. awesome video by the way

  6. Thank you all for the sweet words..I love you all! Jul
